By now there should be much more AI and Helper BOTs helping People in their lives every day. AI is viewed as futuristic technology or something entertaining in SciFi movies like RoboCop or the Transformers. It is very far from being a tool that everyday people can use to become smarter, more efficient and more resourceful. As our voice is heard globally, MyBOTs LLC will deploy autonomous agents by creating BOTCIERGE platforms for all kinds of user personas around the world. Our users are children, professionals, companies or countries. The success of our AI solutions is measured by the extent to which our users increase their ability, capacity, overall efficiency and mental agility by employing the services of Automated Help.


MyBOTs is Helper BOTs that Help People, Companies & Countries
Biz was born to create AI that Helps People. He has accomplished over 25 years as a seasoned IT professional and helped several companies to develop and deliver quality internet software products to the market place. He is an innovative technologist who has come up with practical intelligent software applications that impact the future of Social Media, Education and Entertainment.
The following are some use cases for his unique brand of Helper BOTs that Help People:
Children will complete Home Work tasks and Perform Better in School.
Elderly will Remember things and Perform Work tasks beyond their Physical and Mental Capacity.
US will fight Domestic Terror! Working with Drones, MyBOTs will provide Intelligent Security Solutions so effective that they will put an end to School Shootings and Protect People in Public Gatherings.
is an Intelligent Personal Assistance product-based on the Helper BOT brand of Bot Technology #HelperBOTs invented by Bertrand “Biz” Barrett, #theHelperBOTInventor. Whether you are a child, professional, company or country, BOTCIERGE is a platform that lets you build and deploy your own custom Helper BOTs. This is AI designed to help you manage your business and plan your activities, while offloading your heavy lifting to BOTs.
Our patent-pending Teamwork Architecture features Helper BOTs that work together to perform tasks on behalf of the user, thereby Saving their Time and Automating their Help. Like Alexa, our Helper BOTs each have "skills" but our platform loads skills contextually based on what is driven by the situation.
Our BOTs are supported by a website that provides our users with informed alerts, recommendations, and services that are validated by the user’s profile, social network, actions, conversation, feedback and inputted preferences.
Here's how it works
Our Goals - Build Helper BOTs Helping People
Successfully Monetize and Deploy:
- BOTs that Help students, professionals, companies and countries.
- Helper BOTs that Help People to Save Lives.
- Financial BOTs that Help us to Save Money and Collaborate with Others to Make Money.
- Health BOTs that Help people to stay healthy, eat smarter, and live longer disease free lives.
- BOTs that Help the Elderly to Remember things and Manage Otherwise Overwhelming Tasks.